5 dicas para lidar com a rejeição. (com tradução)

16 respostas [Último]
No PF desde: 26/12/2010

Pessoal, eu achei esse texto muito bom. Pena que está em inglês, e é meio grandinho para eu traduzir, mas, para quem puder ler, acho que vale a pena:

So there you are at the deli counter getting a sandwich, when that person you\'re attracted to comes and stands right next to you at the counter. You\'ve seen them over and over again at the store, and you finally have the guts to turn and smile at them . . . and they do NOTHING in return. They just look at you almost like you\'re not even there. They almost look right through you like you don\'t exist.

So you grab your sandwich and run out of there as quickly as you possibly can, saying to yourself “I will NEVER do that again. This doesn\'t work. The next time I go back there I am just not going to smile anymore.” Is this the best way to deal with rejection? How do you personally deal with rejection? More importantly, are you someone who believes that if you become “good” at dating that you will no longer get rejected?

The truth is that being able to deal with rejection is the key to being successful at going out and meeting people. It\'s also not the ultra-significant event so many make it out to be. So here are 5 essential tips on how to handle rejection...which you need to embrace if you are going to have a full and successful dating life:

1. Change Your Expectations. One of the first and most important things you need to understand is that no matter what you do, not everybody is going to respond positively to you. Not everyone you smile at will smile back at you. Not everyone you say hello to is going to say hello back to you. Not everyone you make any sort of gesture to is going to respond to you positively (and in some cases won\'t respond to you at all). This happens, and it will always happen at one time or another. You need to stop expecting a positive response 100% of the time. What you have to realize is that just because somebody did not smile back at you, does not mean that you\'re not an attractive person or that you made a mistake by smiling at people. The only thing it means is that it did not work with that ONE person.

2. Life Is All About Rejection. Think about everything that you do in life. Everything in life has rejection involved in it. If you\'re a sales person who makes ten sales calls, you may only get one or two of those people to say yes. In baseball, a player whose batting average is around 300 will likely end up in the Hall of Fame. In football, if a quarterback can complete 55% of his passes then he is doing pretty well. You get the idea. If you go to a store to buy a pair of jeans, you may have to try on five pairs before you find the perfect pair. Everything in life is about percentages. In any area of your life other than your dating life, you wouldn\'t just quit simply because you experienced some rejection. Would you quit looking for work after your very first interview didn\'t result in you getting hired? That would, of course, be ridiculous. So remember that you also need to keep going in your dating life when you\'re rejected, because you want to keep increasing your odds of success in that area of your life.

3. Focus On Increasing Your Odds: When you feel like you are getting more than your fair share of rejections, instead of focusing on those rejections you need to focus on increasing your odds of success. The fact is that by playing the percentages as I mentioned above, that you WILL be successful. The reason is that every time you take action – every time you smile, say hello or walk over and initiate a conversation – you get better at it. If you\'re going to go out there and only talk to one person a day, and that\'s it, then your chances of success are not going to be great. If you are this person, you need to increase your odds every single day and in everything you\'re doing. You need to understand that if you approach someone and get rejected, it\'s not a reflection on you. It doesn\'t mean you did it wrong or shouldn\'t have done it at all. It in fact could mean a million different things. Maybe the person was having a bad day. Maybe they have just lost every cent they have in the stock market. You\'ll never know . . . and it doesn\'t matter.

4. Keep Things In Perspective: I hear some version of this from clients of mine all the time: “David, what if I approach somebody, get rejected, and someone sees me? I\'ll never be able to go in that store again (or that gym, that donut store, that Starbucks or wherever) and I\'ll have to drive to the next town to do all my shopping!” You need to get a little perspective here. Let me tell you something – you\'re not front page news! When you\'re rejected, you need to just get over it. I promise that if you\'re rejected by the deli counter at your grocery store, that the next day you will not see on Yahoo\'s homepage or the front page of your local paper this headline “John Smith of Memphis, Tennessee was seen yesterday getting rejected at the deli counter of the local Whole Foods market ... details on pg. 6 ...” No one is talking about you. People are concerned about themselves and what is going on in their own lives, just as you are focused on what\'s going on in yours. So the fact that you get rejected in front of other people at the market, at the gym, or anywhere else is not a big deal to anyone else but you.

5. Don\'t Overreact: The other thing I most commonly hear from clients who have been rejected is some version of this: “I\'m NEVER going to talk to that person ever again now that I was rejected by them.” This reaction is not only a total overreaction, but it is also absolutely the wrong thing to do. So you tried to talk (or smile or look) at someone, and they didn\'t respond. As I mentioned above, there are a million possible reasons why that person did not respond to you. Maybe that person was simply having a bad day. Think about how many times you have been having a bad day and someone smiles at you, but you are just not in the mood to interact with others. It doesn\'t necessarily mean that person wouldn\'t want to talk to you another time. If I smile at a woman and she doesn\'t respond, I don\'t play hide-and-go-seek the next time I see her. What I do is be equally friendly to her the next time I see her, because you never know what will happen that second time. You never know how someone will respond the second time. You never know what\'s in their head or what they\'re feeling. It\'s a different day. Put the last time behind you.

You have to realize that in order to get good at interacting with the opposite sex, you are going to get rejected. In fact, you WANT to get rejected every single day, because if you\'re not, it means that you\'re not trying.

So ask yourselves this: Did you get rejected today, and how can you go out tomorrow and make it an even better day than today? Learn to not only handle, but indeed to embrace, rejection and you, too, will meet great new people and have an amazing social life.

Thomas F.
No PF desde: 02/04/2011


Gostei do texto. Quando vi o titulo pensei que se tratava de grandes rejeiçoes (por uma pessoa especifica, um/uma ex, por exemplo), mas as pequenas do dia-a-dia também podem nos afetar e as dicas sao interessantes para nao se deixar abater e continuar tentando.

Passei mais de 6 anos namorando e portanto nao tinha que lidar muito com isso, agora que estou solteiro é uma constante. No começo me abatia, mas com o tempo aprendi.


No PF desde: 26/12/2010

Oi, Thomas. É, eu acho que o título do post deveris ser \"Continuar tentando...\", pq é o que a msg que o texto tenta passar, mas eu acho que ele também serve para as grandes rejeições, já que muita gente se sente fracassada, acreditando que é incompetente por não ter conseguido conquistar ou manter alguém que considerava especial na sua vida, quando na verdade, essas pessoas deveriam entender que pode ser só porque \"ele(a) não está assim tão a fim de vc\", como mostra o filme com esse nome (ou algo parecido). De mais a mais, depois de uma grande rejeição, geralmente vem a necessidade de encontrar uma outra pessoa, e aí esses conselhos são muito bons, eu acho.

No PF desde: 26/12/2010

Desculpem, redigindo rápido, sai tudo errado. Mas, vcs entenderam...

Thomas F.
No PF desde: 02/04/2011

Deu pra entender sim. Sao bons mesmo, vou tentar usar alguns deles =). Quando conseguir algum sucesso eu volto aqui.


imagem de vica
No PF desde: 25/08/2010

K_A, Bom dia, como você está? Ainda sem contato com ele, mantendo-se firma, gostaria de saber se vc está conseguindo, se já está melhor a cada dia. BJ

No PF desde: 26/12/2010

Oi, Vica. Bom dia! Obrigada por perguntar. Tenho que confessar que eu não estou completamente sem contato não, mas eu não tenho nenhuma definição diferente, por enquanto. Ele me ligou dizendo que tentou me dar um tempo para refletir, mas que estava sentindo demais a falta de falar comigo e não resistiu. Eu não falei quase nada nas 3 vezes que ele me ligou, mas eu precisei atender, eu precisava ouví-lo. Mas, eu não estou me iludindo, ou estou tentando não me iludir. Eu estou tentando me fortalecer, enquanto isso, passei a sair mais com amigos, ter outras perspectivas... Eu tenho medo de jogar fora de vez alguém que parece gostar de mim e que eu gosto tanto, mas eu acho que, se ele não der um jeito nas coisas para nós rápido, eu vou sair fora. Pretendo dizer a ele, com todas as letras, como eu nunca disse, que eu quero que ele venha viver aqui ou que eu vá morar lá, para vivermos juntos. Mas, será a minha última tentativa. Depois, eu sigo o meu caminho, ainda que nos tornemos amigos (talvez eu queira, talvez eu não consiga tirá-lo de vez da minha vida, pq ele me acrescenta muito). E você, Vica, como está?

Desculpa, pessoal, disvirtuei o tópico, mas eu precisava responder a essa amiga.

No PF desde: 26/12/2010

Thomas, volta sim. Dá um retorno. Eu acho que vai funcionar muito bem, porque a pessoa não se sentirá \"pra baixo\" com as rejeições, e pessoas \"pra baixo\" afastam os outros e descartam possibilidades, não é?

imagem de Nary
No PF desde: 20/08/2008

É uma pena que eu não ler em Inglês Bjs

No PF desde: 26/12/2010

É mesmo, Lessa. Vamos lá, já que eu postei, eu tenho que fazer direito. Voutraduzir pelo menos os trechos mais importantes, ok? Já já Bjs

imagem de Nary
No PF desde: 20/08/2008

Pois é, é uma pena ñ puder te ajudar..... Beijo