Medo de estar gravida ! me ajudem pfvr !

23 respostas [Último]
No PF desde: 02/07/2012

Tenho 18 anos , mas graças a Deus dessa vez foi alarme falso ! mas pelo menos serviu pra eu ficar maas antenta , não vou vacilar denovo ;) , e obrigada pelos conselhos ! beeijos

No PF desde: 10/05/2010

MAN! Fico contente, vc é tão nova e com certez precisa de mais orientações. Melhor seria se vc se abrisse com a sua mãe, ela pode te ajudar, ainda mais que dessa vez deu certo, mas nas próximas, como vai ser. A gente é nova e quando bate a tesão, não se pensa muito em camisinha, mas faça como eu fiz, insisto pro meu namo usar camisinha e eu tb uso a pilula, mesmo assim, uma vez quando eu tinha 17 anos eu passei um apuro de atrasar por 2 meses, que sufoco! Acho que foi psicológico ou exageremos na transa, todos os dias nas fe´rias, por 6 dias, acho que meu hormonio enlouqueceu, mas deu certo. Faça tudo com camisinha, principalmente se um dia fazer @n@l. Mas sabemos que a tesão qdo o gato é demais gostoso, a gente perde o controle. RSRSR Boa sorte.

No PF desde: 19/11/2012

We are bound to tell the tale as we have received it; and, considering the distance of the time , and propensity of those through whose mouths it has passed to the marvellous, this could not be called a Scottish story unless it manifested a tinge of Scottish superstition. As Ravenswood approached the solitary fountain, he is said to have met with the following singular adventure: His horse, which was moving slowly forward, suddenly interrupted its steady and composed pace, snorted, reared, and, though urged by the spur, refused to proceed, as if some object of terror had suddenly presented itself. On looking to the fountain, Ravenswood discerned a female figure, dressed in a white, or rather greyish, mantle michael kors outlet online , placed on the very spot on which Lucy Ashton had reclined while listening to the fatal tale of love. His immediate impression was that she had conjectured by which path he would traverse the park on his departure, and placed herself at this well-known and sequestered place of rendezvous,pinglunlizu1122, to indulge her own sorrow and his parting interview. In this belief he jumped from his horse, and, making its bridle fast to a tree, walked hastily towards the fountain coach outlet online , pronouncing eagerly, yet under his breath, the words, ¡°Miss Ashton!¡ª Lucy!¡±The figure turned as he addressed it, and displayed to his wondering eyes the features, not of Lucy Ashton, but of old blind Alice. The singularity of her dress, which rather resembled a shroud than the garment of a living woman; the appearance of her person, larger coachoutletsstoreonlinee-hot , as it struck him, than it usually seemed to be; above all, the strange circumstance of a blind, infirm, and decrepit person being found alone and at a distance from her habitation (considerable, if her infirmities be taken into account), combined to impress him with a feeling of wonder approaching to fear. As he approached, she arose slowly from her seat, held her shrivelled hand up as if to prevent his coming more near, and her withered lips moved fast, although no sound issued from them. Ravenswood stopped; and as coach online outlet , after a moment¡¯s pause, he again advanced towards her, Alice, or her apparition, moved or glided backwards towards the thicket, still keeping her face turned towards him. The trees soon hid the form from his sight; and, yielding to the strong and terrific impression that the being which he had seen was not of this world, the Master of Ravenswood remained rooted to the ground whereon he had stood when he caught his last view of her. At length, summoning up his courage, he advanced to the spot on which the figure had seemed to be seated coach outlet ; but neither was there pressure of the grass nor any other circumstance to induce him to believe that what he had seen was real and substantial.